Hope you are doing great :)


  1. Software Engineer(Sense Semiconductor & IT Solutions PVT LTD)
    • Created an Online Delivery System using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and MongoDB. Integrated WhatsApp e-commerce via WhatsApp Business for seamless transactions. Streamlined client operations and enhanced user experience.
    • Created a VR app for the XR Startup Challenge using Viro React , delivering immersive experiences.
    • Designed and developed a prototype for the client utilizing Electron JS. This versatile platform allowed for seamless integration across various operating systems, providing a solid foundation for further development and customization.
    • Developed a robust end-to-end solution, E-learning 💻, encompassing a wide array of features including course management for seamless administration, curriculum structuring for effective learning paths, secure payment integration for hassle-free transactions, enticing offers to incentivize enrollment, and purpose-built tools to optimize the learning experience
    • Crafted a visually stunning and user-friendly landing page that effectively communicates the essence of our company, highlighting our products, services, and brand identity. Employed strategic design elements and persuasive copywriting to captivate and convert visitors into customers.
    • Added new features to the React Native app (Smart Irrigation System, The Arka).
  2. Software Engineer - Front End (Vedantu)
    • Developed the Free Trial for Students product, which successfully converted free users into paying customers, leading to substantial revenue growth for the company.
    • Developed the Homepage of Vedantu with various variants for different users, implementing A/B testing. This led to enhanced page traffic and improved click-through rate (CTR), optimizing user engagement and experience
    • Developed the Landing Page for VSAT event, resulting in improved page traffic and click-through rate (CTR).
    • Contributed to the codebase separation for micro-frontends, enhancing scalability and maintainability by decomposing the monolithic frontend into smaller, more manageable modules.
    • Developed the Free Demo Slots Booking feature to generate leads through marketing efforts. This tool enables potential customers to book free demo slots, facilitating engagement and conversion opportunities.
  3. Software Engineer Intern - Front End(Vedantu)
    • Integrated multiple events, including Google Analytics (GA), MoEngage, and others, into various projects to track user engagement and behavior effectively.
    • Implemented unit testing for several projects using JEST, ensuring code quality and reliability.
    • Crafted the landing page for slot booking and the Vedantu Improvement Promise program, offering users a seamless experience for scheduling slots and accessing information about our commitment to improvement. This page serves as a gateway to our services, providing valuable insights and convenience to our users
    • Developed the Master Teacher's Details Upload feature for the Vedantu Pro Page. This tool facilitates the seamless uploading of master teacher information, enhancing the platform's functionality and user experience."
    • Developed the Study Material Upload tool, simplifying the process of adding educational content to our app. This user-friendly feature reduces manual effort, streamlining content management for administrators and enhancing accessibility for users.
    • I got trained in ReactJs, Google Tag Manager, Moengage Dashboard, and Datadog Monitoring.


  1. Smart Irrigation System(The Arka)
    • Designed and developed an Android application with cloud connectivity for irrigation systems.
    • Features: Adding Crop, Switching Motor, and Crop Details with Weather Info.
    • Technologies/Frameworks used: React Native, PHP, and NativeBase.
  2. Placements Management Portal
    • Designed and developed a website for the College Placement Cell (CDPC).
    • Features: Drive registrations, Placements statistics (Batch wise, Department wise, and Academic year wise), Reports Generation for officers, Sending Notifications, and CV/Resume Generation for students.
    • Technologies/Frameworks Used: Semantic UI, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Canvasjs and MySQL.
  3. Music Recommendation System (Mini Project)
    • Downloaded the project from Kaggle. Modified the dataset and GUI of the application.
    • Features: Recommending Song to user based on user activity
    • Technologies/Frameworks Used: Machine Learning and Python
  4. Online Exam GUI Using Java AWT (Mini Project)
    • Designed and developed the GUI for the Online Examination System.
    • Features: Questions, Timer, Switching Between Questions
    • Technologies/Frameworks Used: Java AWT
  5. Laptop Management Portal
    • Designed and developed a website for laptop management.
    • Features: Statistics (Model Wise, Batch Wise, and etc.), Allocating the Laptop to Student/Faculty, Raise Complaint/Issue of laptop, Fine's Management, Laptops Store Management and etc.
    • Technologies/Frameworks Used:Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Canvasjs and MySQL.
  6. Online Notice Board
    • Designed and developed a website for the notice board.
    • Features: CRUD Notice, Mess Feedback Survey, Feedback Statistics and report generation
    • Technologies/Frameworks Used:Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Canvasjs and MySQL.
  7. Online Examination System
    • Designed and developed a website for online examinations.
    • Features: CRUD Tests, Generate Reports, Statistics of Test, and etc.
    • Technologies/Frameworks Used:Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Canvasjs and MySQL.
  8. Department's Websites
    • Designed and developed the website for the MECH, ECELAB, CIVIL, and ENGLISH departments.
    • Features:CRUD Notices, CRUD Materials, CRUD Users, CRUD Achievements and etc.
    • Technologies/Frameworks Used:Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Canvasjs and MySQL
  9. Technus(A Techno Cultural Fest)
    • Designed and developed a website for the cultural-tech festival.
    • Features:CRUD Events, CRUD Notices, CRUD Users, and etc.
    • Technologies/Frameworks Used:Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Canvasjs and MySQL
  10. Offline Content for students
    • Designed and developed offline content for the RGUKT students. Students can learn from mobile devices even if they do not have access to the internet. 
    • Features:All PUC Content available in offline Mode.
    • Technologies Used:HTML, CSS, JS





React Js

Next Js




Semantic UI

Tailwind css

Ant Design




React Native



Activities and Awards

Let's Connect